With PhotoPagegen, a photo web page generator
Auto-generate a website of your photos and/or videos
No ads, no cost, no services, no catches, no registration, editable html
Drag and drop a folder of images and/or Youtube videos, that’s it!
Customize backgrounds, colors, thumbnails, effects, themes, sprites
Display in time order (newest to oldest or vice versa), alphabetic, or random
Include an auto-generated map of images using the embedded GPS
Include an auto-generated timeline with thumbnail popup when hovering over it
Captions (text, time, date, filename, EXIF date/time, etc.)
Overlays for text, graphics, watermarks, captions, author, date
Embed author/copyright into every image (modifies the EXIF data)
Lightbox / slideshow support… responsive, mobile friendly
Social media… allow users to comment, like, download, and be notified of changes
Publish directly to an FTP web server (or other 3rd party web hosting
platforms like Netlify, Google Drive, NeoCities, OneDrive, etc.)
Instant online webpage!